CARextern Academy
In the Fleet field, there is still no training program for fleet managers.
We close this education gap!
We train individually and according to the motto: “by professionals, for professionals”.
In order to cope with these adaptations, regular training in this area is imperative.
Efficient fleet management, different mobility requirements, cost reduction, legal basics are just a few of the topics.
Both classroom and online training are most successful when they are designed from practical experience for practical use. It is a challenge to convey complex content in an understandable way and to design learning processes, present information clearly and prepare it methodically so that it reaches the students and can be processed.
We face these challenges every day and would like to shape this together with you.
The contents are adapted and adjusted to the requirements and needs of the customer.
Training & education can take place in German and English. CarExtern creates individual training concepts for the fleet sector in the automotive trade, for manufacturers, importers and commercial customers. CARextern conducts effective training and courses with cooperation partners, which are completed with a certificate.